

Parfum Océano 50 ml


(3 Kundenbewertungen)

Elaborada con Romero, Limón y Musgo Marino.

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Artikelnummer: PO50 Kategorien: , Schlagwörter: , , ,


Pyramide olfactive de Alma de Canarias Océano 50 ml

Nota Alta:
Mezcla de cítricos.

Nota Media:
Pequeñas cantidades de aceite de romero hace el corazón armonioso y aromático.

Nota Baja:
El fondo se compone de notas marinas.

3 Bewertungen für Parfum Océano 50 ml

  1. Liam

    Absolutely smells nice I bought this when I was in Gran Canaria Puerto Rico on the Morgan market I would definitely recommend it. I will be getting some more when I run out ***** stars

  2. Charlotte

    It’s my favourite parfume! I take one home every time I’m on a holiday at the Canary Islands. It smells very fresh and I just absolutely love it 🙂

  3. Julien D.

    I smelled it once and it was like I fell in love with it! Fresh and ‘full of memories’.’ I recommend you smell it, and you will understand my comment.

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