What are cookies
This site, like most professional sites, uses cookies, which are small files downloaded to your computer’s browser to improve the user experience. This page describes what information kept, how it is used and why it is sometimes necessary to use these cookies. It also tells you how to prevent these cookies from being stored even though this may result in a loss of functionality or prevent the operation of certain elements of the site.
For general information about cookies you can refer to this Wikipedia article on HTTP cookies.
How we use cookies
We use cookies for various reasons detailed below. Unfortunately in many cases there are technical standards to disable the use of cookies without simultaneously disable the features that implement websites. We recommend leaving cookies enabled if you are not sure do not need them in case they are used for services you use.
Disable cookies
You can prevent cookies from being stored by changing the settings of your browser (check the help section of your browser for more information). We warn you that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of this or other sites. Normally disable cookies has the effect of disabling or malfunction of certain features of this website. We recommend not to disable cookies.
What we use cookies
If you have created an account on this site we have created cookies to manage the registration process. These cookies are normally deleted when you log out or when you close your browser, but in some cases may be registered to store some options for viewing the site. We also use cookies when the user is connected to the site to remember your login and maintain information useful for navigation. This saves you from having to log in each visited page. These cookies are normally removed to log out or close your browser.
Third Party Cookies
In special cases we use cookies provided by third party service known. In this section we detail what cookies from third PRTI you may encounter when using this site.
This website uses Google Analytics, which is one of the most popular systems and certified on the web to allow us to understand how the site is used and how to improve the user experience. These cookies may draw, for example, how long the program presents pages of the site and which pages are viewed.
For more information about Google Analytics cookies, check the official page of Google Analytics.
This site also uses cookies to save the plugin WooCommerce products Carriage and billing information.
For more information on cookies WooCommerce, check theofficial page of WooCommerce.
More informations
We hope that this document will have clarified the doubts about the management of cookies on this site, so you can understand if you need to keep them active, given that it is generally better that way to be able to fully utilizzarne all features.